Sin Chew Rate Card Digital Advertising


Sin Chew Rate Card Digital Advertising

Effective 生效日期 : 2024年

Online Advertising

ROS File size(w x h) Impression (Guranteed) Cost (RM) Format & File size
Breaking news (5th) N/A N/A 5,000/day N/A
Leaderboard 728 x 90
300 x 250 (Mobile)
400,000 15,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Midbanner I 728 x 90
200,000 6,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Half Page Ad 300 x 600
300,000 7,500 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Rectangle I 300 x 250
(Desktop/ Mobile/ App - Inner pages)
300,000 12,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Rectangle II 300 x 250(Mobile/ App - Inner pages) 300,000 8,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb


SINCHEW File size(w x h) Impression
Cost (RM) Format & File size
News section 300 x 250 300,000 8,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Biz section 300 x 250 300,000 8,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Entertainment 300 x 250 300,000 8,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
MyKampung 300 x 250 120,000 3,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Sports 300 x 250 120,000 3,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Pocketimes 300 x 250 120,000 3,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Lifestyle 300 x 250 120,000 3,000 JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Leaderboard 728 x 90 (Desktop)
300 x 250 (Mobile)
120,000 2,000 /month JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Rectangle 300 x 250 120,000 2,000 /month JPG/GIF < 100 kb


Desktop File size(w x h) Impression (Guranteed) Cost (RM) Format & File size
Billboard 970 x 250 100,000 15,000 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Header 970 x 250
1920 x 1080 (Expand)
100,000 17,000 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Mobile File size(w x h) Impression (Guranteed) Cost (RM) Format & File size
Billboard 300x250 100,000 12,000 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Mobile Interstitial 640 x 1280 / 320x480 100,000 9,000 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Mobile Pick Image 640 x 1280 (3 images) 100,000 9,000 JPG/GIF < 1mb
Mobile Flying Carpet 640 x 1280
(Safe area: 580 x 740)
100,000 9,000 JPG/GIF < 1mb
Mobile Footer - Cyclone Bottom Cards: 600x30
Interstitial Card: 400x640
100,000 9,000 JPG/GIF < 2mb
Mobile Footer - Card Gallery 640 x 200
(3 images)
100,000 9,000 JPG/GIF < 2mb


Content Highlight Cost (RM)
Premium Editor Choice 8,000
Editor Choice II 7,000
Editor Choice III 6,000
Editor Choice IV 5,000
Editor Choice
Editor Choice
(副刊/体育/言路/医识力/暖势力/求真/ mysinchew)
Editor Choice
(each sub)
Article Production 12,000 ROS


Newsletter File size
(w x h)
Cost (RM) Format & File size ROS
Recommended News N/A 7,000
<(Mon - Fri)
JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Midbanner 728 x 90 6,000 (Mon - Fri) JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Rectangle 300 x 250 5,000 (Mon - Fri) JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Rectangle (Biz Digest) 300 x 250 5,000 (Mon - Fri) JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Recommended News (Biz Digest) 300 x 250 5,000 (Mon - Fri) JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Logo Appearance (Biz Digest) 8cm x 8cm 20,000 (Mon - Fri) JPG/GIF < 100 kb
Full page full Colour Advertisement (PDF)(Biz Digest) 148mm x 210mm 8,000 (Mon - Fri)

Sin Chew (APP)

Homepage File size
(w x h)
Impression (Guranteed) Cost (RM) Format & File size
Billboard 300 x 250 1 day 3,000 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Rectangle I 300 x 250 7 days 2,500 JPG/GIF < 300 kb
Rectangle II 300 x 250 7 days 1,800 JPG/GIF < 300 kb

Terms and Conditions:

  1. All cost in the above Rate Card is subject to 8% SST.
  2. Cost of producing ad or creative work to be charged accordingly and separately.
  3. Booking deadline: 7 working days before starting date.
  4. *Content Highlight: Materials to be provided 10 days before the campaign live date. A maximum number of amendments request is 3 times. Materials production, Translation, Headline Writing, Image editing & sizing included.

Advertisement Terms and Conditions

  1. All advertisement bookings are governed by the rules and regulations of the Publisher, who reserves the right to change or amend these rules whenever necessary.
  2. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions stated on the advertisers’ or agencies’ contracts, the placing of an order or contract will be deemed an acceptance of the publisher’s rules and regulations.
  3. The Publisher will not be responsible for any omission to insert an advertisement and reserves the right to reject or cancel any order without explanation, not with standing acceptance of payment.
  4. The Publisher is indemnified against all claims, actions, suits, demands, losses, cost and expenses in respect of advertisement published under instructions from an advertiser or his advertising agency.
  5. Placement of ads on specified pages are subject to the prevailing loading charges. Whilst the Publisher endeavours to place all ads in the best positions possible where no loading charge is levied, the ad will be placed at the discretion of the Publisher.
  6. Advertisement space sold is governed by the Publisher’s technical requirement.
  7. Restrictions on sizes of advertisements are governed by prevailing conditions and will vary from time to time according to Publisher’s advice.
  8. Copy in English required to be set in Chinese will be charged a translation fee.
  9. All casual ads must be paid in advance Cheques should made payable to Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad.
  10. The advertiser should furnish the Publisher with the name, address, IC no. and other particulars, as required in the Ad contract.
  11. Cancellation of advertisement bookings in writing must be received 7 working days before campaign live date.
  12. There is no penalty for booking cancellations in writing that is received 7 working days before campaign live date.
  13. A 50% charge for the unused inventory booked is applicable for booking cancellation in writing that is received less than 7 working days before campaign live date.
  14. Notice of postponement of campaign bookings due to creative materials issues must be received in writing 3 working days before campaign live date. A new campaign live date must be provided in the notice.
  15. Once a postponement is accepted by publisher, postponed campaign inventory will be released. There is no penalty for the postponement if its notice is received in writing 3 days before campaign live date.
  16. Postponed campaigns must be utilized within 60 days from the original campaign start date. Should there be no available inventory for the postponed campaign within 60 days, hence the postponement will be taken as a booking cancellation with applicable penalty.
  17. A maximum number of postponing a booked campaign is 3 times. A 50% penalty will be charged from the forth and subsequent postponements. The postponed campaigns must be utilized within 60 days from the original campaign start date. (For example: The original campaign start date is 7th Jan 2024, the postponed campaign start date must be before 6th Mar 2024)
  18. For terms and condition of branded content buy, kindly refer to respective package deck.


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星洲日报线上广告价格 Sin Chew Online Advertisement Rate Card 2021





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